Практика реформирует арбитрабильность

В странах СНГ в последнее время все чаще поднимается вопрос арбитрабильности отдельных категорий споров. В частности, в Украине и России с некоторыми оговорками признаны неарбитрабильными корпоративные споры. В России Президиум ВАС также принял ряд постановлений, которыми признаны неарбитрабильными все споры, связанные с государственными контрактами, с лесным фондом, а также споры из инвестиционных договоров между застройщиками […]

The Role of Arbitral Secretaries: Overregulate the Underregulated?

On 15 April 2014 the Young International Council for Commercial Arbitration released the 2-year work of its Task Force – a Guide on Arbitral Secretaries (hereinafter – “Guide”), which is available for download here. The Guide contains 4 articles with commentaries, a model plug-in and annexes in the form of survey charts and articles on […]

Which arbitration institutions do Ukrainian businesses prefer?

Ukrainian businesses largely opt to submit disputes to the International Commercial Arbitration Court (ICAC) at both the Ukrainian and Russian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. This has a great deal to do with the geographical location of these institutions, the language used in their proceedings and their associated costs in relation to other arbitral institutions. […]

Проблемы присуждения компромиссных и приблизительных убытков в решениях международных арбитражных судов

Вопрос корректного и адекватного подсчета убытков во время вынесения решений международных арбитражных судов в спорах как публично-правового, так и частноправового характера, достаточно часто сопровождается рядом проблем. Необходимость проведения многоступенчатого экономического анализа, который может лежать за пределами квалификации арбитров, непредоставление сторонами убедительных доказательств касательно понесенных убытков, требования о присуждении упущенной выгоды, — совокупность всех этих факторов […]

Courts consider effects of a change of parties during arbitration proceedings

Introduction As a general rule, an arbitration agreement extends to the parties that are directly bound by its terms. However, the parties to the arbitration agreement sometimes change during the course of performance of the contract or at various stages of the arbitration proceedings. This usually happens as a result of a transfer of rights […]

Enforcement in Ukraine of Foreign Court Orders Granting Provisional Measures in Support of Arbitration

It is widely accepted that successful outcome of international commercial arbitration proceedings often depends on timely obtained provisional measures designed to protect either the lawful interests of the parties or property in dispute until the final arbitral award on the merits is issued. Although provisional measures may be obtained from an arbitral tribunal handling respective […]

AAA’s Revised Commercial Arbitration Rules

AAA has issued revised Commercial Arbitration Rules that will apply to cases filed as of October 1, 2013. The revisions include: a mediation step for all cases with claims of $75,000 or more (subject to the ability of any party to opt-out) arbitral control over information exchange (discovery) the availability of emergency measures of protection […]

Abu Dhabi centre introduces new rules

GAR informes that for the first time since it was founded 20 years ago, the Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration Centre has updated its arbitration rules, including new provisions on confidentiality, interim measures and arbitrator liability. The new Procedural Regulations of Arbitration, which came into effect on 1 September, have drawn on various sources […]

Presentation of new online platform of New York Convention

Note from the website: Welcome to This website was created to host information on the implementation of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, signed in New York on 10 June 1958, with a view of promoting its uniform and effective application throughout the world. The website provides access to […]

New Rules on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration

On 11 July 2013, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”) adopted new Rules on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration (the “Transparency Rules”), which will come into effect from 1 April 2014.