Russian proposals cause alarm
GAR: The president of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court of the Russian Federation, Anton Ivanov, has told a conference in St Petersburg that the Russian courts should be granted powers to set aside foreign court judgments and international arbitration awards that prejudice interests of Russian parties.
Astapov: This move seems not to be surprising taking into account the number of awards and judgements of foreign courts relating to Russian assets and Russian parties. I can easily understand embarassment of Russian Court system. I have this embarassment numerous times recently in courtroom and outside. Few questions are still left open: 1. are the authorities serious about that or is it simply a matter of rethorics? 2. what would be the legal instruments they choose to implement this policy if they are indeed serious? I do not think they would be able to find many precedents of measures of this kind. Does anybody know examples?
Author: Alison Ross
Source: GAR